Project support
Entrepreneur name: Könye Katalin private entrepreneur
Title of the supported project: Glade in the Őrség – The renovation of the Patakparti Alpaka Guesthouse, and the extending of its services
Tender ID: TFC-1.1.1-2017-2017-00070
The amount of the contracted support: 31 991 176 Ft
The support rate (%): 70%
Brief description of the content of the supported project: The project owner is the owner of the 10-room Patakparti Alpaka Guesthouse in Kisrákos, in the heart of Őrség. Katalin Könye is a private entrepreneur. The existing rooms will be renewed in appearance and equipment, and some of common places, especially a forest and a streambank surrounded glade, and a treehouse in the woods, two treehouses will be built to feature services that include gastronomic demonstrations, oil extraction, cooking, and a children’s playhouse. The development will include engineering and electrical investment elements, and will improve the thermal performance of the building. Bike rental, play equipment, sun loungers and a washing machine are provided, as well as laundry services for longer stays.
End date of supported project (actual completion date if completed) 2018.11.01-2019.10.31.